We are an AETA certified practice with several years experience in artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and IVF. Our goal is to make these powerful technologies as simple and accessible as possible.
We will be offering limited mobile services until our facilities are built and finished - expected Summer of 2024. We will have a full in-house IVF laboratory and indoor collection facility. Long term donor and recipient housing will be available, as well as a recipient herd.
Artificial Insemination
On farm AI for cattle
Laparoscopic AI in small ruminants - available Summer of 2024
In house breeding management for equine, cattle and small ruminants. Drop off animals to us and we will synchronize, heat detect and breed all in our facility - available Spring of 2024 for equine and Summer of 2024 for Ruminants​
Frozen semen storage
Frozen and fresh semen analysis