Using a combination of chiropractic therapy, acupuncture, and herbs is a safe and effective way to keep your animals feeling and performing at their best. These therapies are great for supporting and healing lameness that involves the neck, back, and pelvis and to complement conventional therapies for lower limb lameness. Acupuncture and herbal therapies can also be used to treat a very wide scope of ailments to include inflammatory, endocrine, and respiratory diseases.
Artificial InseminationOn farm AI for cattle ​ Laparoscopic AI in small ruminants - available late 2022 ​ In house breeding management for equine, cattle and small ruminants. Drop off animals to us and we will synchronize, heat detect and breed all in our facility - available late 2022 ​ Frozen semen storage ​ Frozen and fresh semen analysis
UltrasoundFast, accurate pregnancy diagnosis - probe introducer decreases animal stress ​ Fetal sexing via ultrasound to determine sex of offspring ​ Available for equine, cattle and small ruminants
In Vitro FertilizationWill be available late in the year of 2022 Full in house IVF laboratory for cattle with indoor oocyte collection. No need to ship embryos or oocytes to another lab. Fresh and frozen embryo production. We are AETA certified so we can produce embryos eligible for international export
Recipient HerdHerd will be available for implants in spring of 2023 Our herd of cattle can be used as recipients for your embryos ​ Options to receive pregnant recipients, young calves, or weaned calves ​ May use frozen embryos already owned, or we can make IVF and conventional embryos in our facilities with your donors
Embryo TransferOn farm embryo transfer for cattle ​ Equine embryo flushing - available late 2022 ​ Conventional embryo flushing and transfer for cattle - available late 2022 ​ Small ruminant surgical embryo flushing and transfer - available late 2022 ​ In house recipient management - drop off recipients to us and we will synchronize, heat detect, and transfer embryos all in our facility
Acupuncture is an ancient and complex therapy that acts on many body systems at once. The overall goal of acupuncture is to restore homeostasis to the body, whether that applies to sickness, pain, or general underperformance.
We use a combination of dry needling, electro-acupucnure, and aqua-acupuncture tailored to each patient. Acupuncture needles stimulate the nervous, immune, and circulatory systems simultaneously to encourage the body to make their own healing compounds and anti-inflammatory molecules.
Acupuncture is most effective when you give multiple treatments at short intervals and then gradually space out the treatments until the problem is resolved. Some acute conditions will resolve with very few or even just one session. Other chronic conditions, such as allergies, asthma, or arthritis will most likely require regular treatments which will differ with the severity of each case.